

Pretty Pretty Princess

I smell like a wet dog. Charming, I know. Rusty gets bathed regularly for his work as a therapy dog. Cosette and Little Guy were way overdue for a good scrubbing. It wasn't just washing, but also teeth brushing, claw trimming, paw hair clipping, and lots and lots of brushing. Neither of them enjoyed the process too much, but they certainly look--and smell--much better. I collected the equivalent of a small dog in fur from Cosette. She is now dematted and looks slimmer.

Fourteen and Sassy

In a little over a week, my forever "puppy girl" Cosette will be 15. She's a tough girl, who survived an extensive cancer surgery nearly three years ago. Even though she's mostly deaf and at times a little spacey, she is still pretty smart. And while she indulges in more naps than usual, she definitely has spunk and gets pretty energetic at night.

Easy Breezy

It only seems fitting that for Cosette's upcoming birthday, I should get her a pretty princess dress and do a photo shoot at the fountain on Los Feliz. That's what most girls celebrating their Quinceañera do, right?


Nanette said...

Feliz quinceanera, Cosette!

Anonymous said...

She is looking mighty fine for an old(er) bird! I mean dog!

ren said...

happy birthday cosi! now stop barking at me when i am trying to feed you! and no snapping at my fingers either.

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